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1st Glorious Epoch - Chandragupta - Chanakya

Saturday, 19 March 2016

Bunch Of Thoughts:The Mission - I

in my own words ........

I. Our World Mission:

Theme: Devotion to one's motherland, society and tradition under concept of Nation inspires the spirit of real service and sacrifice in the individual. Nationalism & Internationalism based on individualism and materialism is proved to be disaster for the humanity.

Detailed Explanation: 

  "Total good of all beings" is always our Sanatan Ideal. In present time humanity is divided, sub-divided into many exclusive groups called Nations or States, each of them devoted to its own narrow self-interest. Obviously, this self interest led to conflict around the World. The misery and human destruction led many thinkers to conclude that the sentiment of Nationalism which centered around self interest is major obstacle on the way of human welfare. This gave birth to idea of Internationlism. The communist ideology claims Internationalism is the way to human welfare. This worked well for some starting years in Soviet Russia. But slowly enthusiasm began to wane in people for work. When Hitler attached Russia, it failed to bring people together  to fight for the country. Then Russia raised devotion to motherland, tradition,etc to raise the National spirit in the people to fight against Germany. 
 Imperialism tried to bring together many smaller nation together under one big empire but again each nation being driven by self interest which led to revolt. So, Imperialism failed here as well.
League of Nations which came together after World War-1 failed to avoid war and maintain harmony among Nations. This only led World to Second World War. In our case of Kashmir we have seen UNO failed to provide justice.
 So, we saw that both Communism and Imperialism based on materialism failed to achieve harmony . There are innumerable examples around the World. 

 Solution: However, our Sanatan Dharma  have a solution to offer. Obviously the solution cannot be based on materialism.What is that thing which inspires a man to work for the welfare of others? Why they should feel the pain when they see other person in pain. Our Sanatan philosophers turned their gaze one plane higher than materialism. The "T" in me , being the same as the "T" in the other beings. This very idea of that everyone in this universe is Ansh (Part) of one supreme power make us to work for the society. We cannot leave a single person behind in sorrow. Seva of poor people is pooja of Narayan (Darridra Narayan).

 Individuals and Nations all around the World have special ability, quality which is required for the beauty of this universe. Destroying these unique character of individual or any group will not hamper the beauty of this universe but also the joy of self-expresssion.
 So, Nationalism based on the welfare of whole World is the only solution. Since, we are offering this solution to the World so we should be strong, united, firm believer in this philosophy than only other will accept it.   

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