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Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Bunch Of Thoughts - The Mission - III

                                                Challenge Of The Times 

Theme: Democracy and Communism both stemming from materialism are failure.

Detailed Explanation: 
 Democracy originated as a reaction of uncontrolled monarchy in the countries of Europe. Under the rule of King people were devoid of all initiative and freedom. People rose in revolt to overthrew divine right of Kingship. However, by the same time due to machines industries began to flourish. Industrialist started to setup bigger and bigger Industries. Millions of labourers were employed in these factories. Soon these industrialist became financial overlords. By money they started to capture the political power. So, the concept of "individual freedom" only meant freedom of those talented few to exploit the rest of the common people. This gave rise to communism against the tyranny of capitalism. However, communism also failed to achieve its objective. Once largest producer of wheat Russia depends on other countries for wheat and other edible items.
 To overcome above shortfalls communist started to give some individual freedom and democracy which was born with the promise of "absolute individualism" started to curtain some practices in the name of social good.
Basically, in democracy individual become enemy of society and society became enemy of individual in case of communism. So, both democracy and communism which are stemmed out of same materialistic concept started to mitigate the evils by giving some importance to society in case of democracy and to individual in case of communism.
 Thus materialism failed to provide order in the society. It can not explain why a man sacrifice for other. There is the story of Dadhichi in our ancient literature who volunteered to offer his bones to be made into a weapon to destroy the demon Vrittasura. There is only one explanation.Our philosphy called Atma. We love and serve one another not because of external relations but because of Atma.According to our philosophy, the very projection of the Universe is due to a disturbance in the equilibrium of its three attributes – sattva, rajas and tamas.
In democracy, few people make rules who are good in doing politics and capable of winning majority to their line.Communism too failed in providing equality as there is no need of supreme authority as everyone is equal. So, if you remove the government how everyone can live in harmony.

 Our philosophy pictured highest state of society.
 In Sanskrit - There existed no state, no king, no penalty and no criminal. All protected one another by virtue of dharma.

In Sanskrit: Food, sleep, fear and lust are common to both animal and man. The special attribute of man is dharma; without it he is no better than an animal.

Dharma provide inner bond, restrain selflessness and bring people together to live in peace and harmony.

Bunch Of Thoughts: The Mission - II

II. Final Refuge For Mankind:

Theme: The driving urges of modern sciences - Permissiveness and Competition" both lead to  social disruption, conflict, wars, destruction of peace. Source of real happiness is inside not outside. Moksha - "Chatuvidha Purushartha" offers the final solution.

Detailed Explanation:
  The first word Permissiveness means an individual is free to do anything. This self centered  choice leads to the disruption of social fabric as every individual is worried about himself which leads to conflict in the society. Everyone tries to impose his choice, ideology on the society which leads to conflict.
 The other one is competition. It is said that competition should be healthy. Its our experience it no longer remain healthy due to its nature. Even in sports which is played for joy, people ready to do anything to win. And why competition? It is to raise standard of living which is totally linked to physical enjoyment. For this individual needs wealth to accumulate more and more physical objects. To achieve more and more wealth power becomes necessary. This keep on increasing and after certain limit stringer nation began to exploit weaker nation.
  Lets see in the history. In order to raise standard of living and in competition with neighboring country. European countries began to occupy other countries all over the World. Wherever they went they left trail of blood, wars, hunger behind them. Same is the case with communist Russia and China in different way.

 So, both Competition and Permissiveness have led society away from happiness. There is no end to desires, it keeps on increasing.
Our Shastras have declared, "Na jatu Kamah Kamanamupabhogena shamyati" the desires are not quenched by enjoyment of sense. Even after the body becomes old and dilapidated, desires continue to be young : Trishna na jeerna vayameva jeernah. This is exactly the predicament in which the modern man is finding himself.

Solution:  Our Sanatan philosophy says real happiness lies within. A person is enjoying music, he is very happy. But when he heard news of death of his near and dear one, he become sad. He no longer enjoys the music. This shows that our happiness based on external objects is only temporary. This is only delusion which makes us to keep running in search of happiness outside. 
 We can observe from our experience that a restless mind can never be happy.When the mind is calm and peaceful than only we can enjoy happiness. When we throw stone in water, ripple gets created. Until ripples calm down, we can't see the bottom.
 When a man discovers this, he detached himself from external objects and no longer dependent on external objects for happiness. He is in inner peace. That is the highest state to which man has to aspire and ultimately reach – the state of Mukti or Moksha.
  All our Sanatan training teaches us to achieve mental peace. Patanjali in his Yoga sutras has advised that we should be happy when we others prosperous not jealousy. 
 So, competition and craze for sensual enjoyment never leads to happiness. Self- restrain is necessary for the preservation of social fabric as well as development of an individual. "Chaturvidha Purusharta" concept can instill the spirit of self restraint. This four-fold goal of life – Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha – helps one to lead a self-restrained, balanced and harmonious way of life.And that arrangement envisages duties and obligations for the individual on both the planes – personal and social. Rules of behaviour – Dharma – conducive to achieving the supreme happiness of man will guide and control all the material aspects of life – Artha (politics and economics) and Kama (fulfilment of physical desires)

Saturday, 19 March 2016

Bunch Of Thoughts:The Mission - I

in my own words ........

I. Our World Mission:

Theme: Devotion to one's motherland, society and tradition under concept of Nation inspires the spirit of real service and sacrifice in the individual. Nationalism & Internationalism based on individualism and materialism is proved to be disaster for the humanity.

Detailed Explanation: 

  "Total good of all beings" is always our Sanatan Ideal. In present time humanity is divided, sub-divided into many exclusive groups called Nations or States, each of them devoted to its own narrow self-interest. Obviously, this self interest led to conflict around the World. The misery and human destruction led many thinkers to conclude that the sentiment of Nationalism which centered around self interest is major obstacle on the way of human welfare. This gave birth to idea of Internationlism. The communist ideology claims Internationalism is the way to human welfare. This worked well for some starting years in Soviet Russia. But slowly enthusiasm began to wane in people for work. When Hitler attached Russia, it failed to bring people together  to fight for the country. Then Russia raised devotion to motherland, tradition,etc to raise the National spirit in the people to fight against Germany. 
 Imperialism tried to bring together many smaller nation together under one big empire but again each nation being driven by self interest which led to revolt. So, Imperialism failed here as well.
League of Nations which came together after World War-1 failed to avoid war and maintain harmony among Nations. This only led World to Second World War. In our case of Kashmir we have seen UNO failed to provide justice.
 So, we saw that both Communism and Imperialism based on materialism failed to achieve harmony . There are innumerable examples around the World. 

 Solution: However, our Sanatan Dharma  have a solution to offer. Obviously the solution cannot be based on materialism.What is that thing which inspires a man to work for the welfare of others? Why they should feel the pain when they see other person in pain. Our Sanatan philosophers turned their gaze one plane higher than materialism. The "T" in me , being the same as the "T" in the other beings. This very idea of that everyone in this universe is Ansh (Part) of one supreme power make us to work for the society. We cannot leave a single person behind in sorrow. Seva of poor people is pooja of Narayan (Darridra Narayan).

 Individuals and Nations all around the World have special ability, quality which is required for the beauty of this universe. Destroying these unique character of individual or any group will not hamper the beauty of this universe but also the joy of self-expresssion.
 So, Nationalism based on the welfare of whole World is the only solution. Since, we are offering this solution to the World so we should be strong, united, firm believer in this philosophy than only other will accept it.